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Full computer control of the K2 is possible with the KIO2 installed, the KIO2 provides true RS-232 levels.
The system is compatible with most contesting and logging software, including some Mac based programs.
The KIO2 Programmer’s Reference provides extensive information for those writing custom K2 control programs.

Inside a fully optioned out Elecraft K2 – You can see the KIO2 installed, note the cable and two circuit board on the front and rear panels, the large gray colored wire is the data connection. Removing the right side of the K2 make it much easier to install the connectors for the RF, Power, Speaker and Data.
Bottom view of the K2, with the front bottom cover removed for installation of the K60XV coaxial cable.
Front KI02 Board during build.
Inside the Elecraft K2 transceiver, most modules are removed for service access.
Bottom view of the K2, with the front bottom cover removed for installation of the K60XV coaxial cable.
Front KI02 Board during build, fully populated.