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Live To Air – National NC-101X

Live To Air – National NC-101X finally back together tonight newly installed coil rack, with the bronze bushings and fabricated band indicator. Slides like it’s on glass, super smooth and low effort. Listening to the melodious tones of the old Gray Hair Net,...

Yes Virginia, There is a Zorch God

*Circa August 13, 2005 Today in the middle of a FB QSO with K1MVP the plate blocking capacitor in my 32V crapped out. This was evidenced by an immediate loss of RF, a loud hum and the telltale pegged plate current meter. Even my trusty old buzzard RF indictor, a large...

Real Radio – A Letter I Sent To Electric Radio

Intro This was sent when I lived near Buffalo, NY, in the late 1990s. I had just read a story by Bruce Vaughn N5RQ, now a silent key. Bruce has a wonderful story teller, and friend, and an old time radio repairman. If you ever get a chance to read any of his articles...